A little bit about myself…

I am 39 years old and grew up in a small town in the Midwest. I have always been interested in technology, taking apart electronics and toys to understand how they work. I started working with computers at a young age, fixing and repurposing discarded machines I found on trash day. I began working for a local ISP at the age of 16 and was later hired by State Farm to help with Y2K software updates.

I attended Southern Illinois University, where I studied Fine Art with a minor in Art History. My senior thesis focused on the intersection of interactive computing and physical environments, before the advent of Arduino.

After graduation, I worked for several design houses and larger companies in web development and application design before finding my niche in defense contracting. Today, I still work in the field of defense contracting and live in the St. Louis area with my wife and three children.

About my work and what I do…

Throughout my career, I have taken a proactive approach to shaping my own path, taking on new and challenging responsibilities to expand my skillset. My background is in design, but I have also developed expertise in engineering, fabrication, robotics, crafting, product management, and team leadership. I believe that being a “jack of all trades” is not a weakness, but rather an advantage as it allows me to approach problems from multiple perspectives and find creative solutions.

What I value and what I am looking for…

I value hard work, perseverance, determination, and pushing boundaries. I am not content with simply going through the motions for a paycheck. I am driven to explore new opportunities and work with a team of like-minded individuals who share a passion for innovation and progress. I want to lead and collaborate with people who are deeply committed to their work and truly believe in its purpose. I believe that life is short and we should strive to leave a lasting impact.

How do we reach you…

My email address is strabley@gmail.com and my phone number is 312-480-1221.